Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My New Planner


Me. Just kidding...
To most people, that means hammocks, warm breezes, and leisurely days. And in the past, that is how it's been for me as well. After about the second week of summer, once my ambition has died completely (for a more detailed explanation, click here), I usually just laze around the house, read books, play copious quantities of Marco Polo, and watch Avatar: The Last Airbender. Because my friends and I watch way too much Avatar. And at the end of the summer, I am incredibly well-rested but left with the horrible aftertaste of a summer that has not been really used; not capitalized upon like it could have been. Not this summer, though! In fact, I have never been so busy before, potentially in my life.

I've never had a job before, so in typical fashion I did not get just one summer job. No, I got two... and a half. I am filling in for a receptionist at an insurance agency in town while she is out, which is pretty easy office stuff. I basically answer phones and write payment receipts, so not bad. I also got a paid internship in the laboratory in a local hospital (only about 20 minutes from home). I haven't gotten to work there yet because I need to have a tuberculosis test beforehand... Not that I'm bawling that I haven't had to do that yet... And I also auditioned for and got hired by the Entertainment department at an amusement park. Which is about an hour away from home... So it is a real hike on highways for someone not so used to four lanes and rotaries.
I am now a high school English teacher...

I am also, as you (but no one read this but me, so I should write "I") know, I am also in two
shows this summer, a play and a revue, so things are certainly interesting in my life right now. For the first time in my life, I bought a planner to keep track of things. How sad is that?

So I need to go sleep, or I will DIE. Wish me luck for this summer...

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